Authoritatively network high standards in technologies via out-of-the-box results. Objectively facilitate functional technologies without market-driven outsourcing.
Authoritatively network high standards in technologies via out-of-the-box results. Objectively facilitate functional technologies without market-driven outsourcing.
SELiNa - The detection of Small Early Liver cancer with Natural history follow up
The SELiNa study is recruiting patients with small early liver cancers to evaluate imaging and state-of-the art molecular biomarker tests and characterise the non-cancerous “background” liver to better understand the changes that may lead to cancer transformation. The aim is to assess if biomarkers can be used to predict disease progression by clinical follow-up. In addition, a subgroup of patients will also receive Magnetic Resonance (MR) liver Imaging in order to explore the possibility of using MR imaging as a tool for HCC diagnosis.