Jeremy Tomlinson
Jeremy is Professor of Metabolic Endocrinology and consultant endocrinologist based in the Oxford Centre for Diabetes, Endocrinology & Metabolism, University of Oxford. He graduated from the University of Oxford Medical School, having previously completed his undergraduate degree at the University of Cambridge. He embarked upon a career in Diabetes & Endocrinology and secured an MRC Clinical Training Fellowship and obtained his PhD from University of Birmingham studying steroid metabolism and human obesity in 2003. Subsequently he obtained clinician scientist and senior fellowships from the Wellcome Trust and MRC. His research investigates the pathogenesis of human metabolic disease, including non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. His work explores the role of steroid hormones and bile acids in the development of hepatocellular cancer (HCC). Within DeLIVER Jeremy will be assessing novel urine biomarker tests as a strategy for the early detection of HCC.